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Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2016
Daca taiem din ecuatie cealalta parte a monedei, nu mai raman alegeri, dar nici greseli dar nici pe ce sa se sprijine partea ramasa de moneda, si stricam paternu sau schimbam modul de functionare? daca in ecuatia noastra moneda nu mai are doua parti, ci doar una stricam paternu sau schimbam modul de functionare?


poate prieteni nu sunt doar niste unelte la care apelezi, iar cei pe care ii iubesti, nu le spui asta doar de frica sa nu ii gonesti cu excesele tale, de control sau felul tau de a fi in care crezi ca traiesti doar pentru o ultima secunda, dar iti doresti sa nu fi singur pentru eternitate


I can see, i can jump and maybe i can grasp, But im just confuze betwen all In the end knowing i dont lose anything or not, And just feared by all concepts i cant grasp, because is a jump A pitfall created for heaven or hell, New and old are just the same, and everything is just a game Played by some old trickster with a coin And everything with given names are just the sides Desired and undesired Yours and mine. But if me is you and you the same We cant lose each other, cuz we are linked to the same coin or We are just the old guy, wasting time Fliping around and thinking if is good or bad, but in the end who care, I play the game i create, So if i lose, im just so bad Me im here and you are there, because diferent minds, we are separed, we have missing feelings sometimes we feel, but if we dont miss anything, We are just filed pots with lots of lots love and peace. I can see, i can jump and maybe i can grasp, But i'm just confused between all...