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Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2018


Everyone cares a little About every living creature But when feel threatened They can act Like everything deserves to die, eh? Losing the life code We all got With the rule of hope That every living creatures from earth got Surviving, is the main attitude dress code And only, after, A new level to unlock Evolved we are But how much carrying we got? Life is the energy,  the entry point You can emerge Create flow,  or bravery Or space for knowledge, to let it be Becoming anything that it should free You Of everything that weights too much, huh For creativity little wings to find hope And with the courage to leave the spot Where unconscious fear hanged Everything To get you angry, to let you without colors And the only bright light you get To be the shining from the new gadget... But light is light Watching it too much, making you feel dumb Passion is how you find yourself, And maybe your soul mate Cuz your specialty, It s the strang...

What if

Without good lies, Without small ones All in one One in all Anybody can win the game But being an avatar Doesn't mean you are better At the game, just very disciplinated In your special way Or everything was close to you To can explain to others too A feeling about cleaning thoughts Wind of change The way life goes, unusfull thoughts Fade away, giving power For creating everything The people deserve.

Now 2

If you start now Stopping to stack Karma issues time can get Going in debt For missing the right choices At least to do this with consciousness Getting hurt and feeling it It s the best from a low position To know to trust Can help Trust means faith, faith helps believe so maybe Mother nature to be saved Cuz her love named gravity, atmospher and astral path Are just a few acts But letting someone to destroy you And trusting anyone will help, Another show of faith The universe can make All the alternatives realities Imaginary lands That can bring you to the end Or to an end Because the words Are the extensions of your thoughts Being in contradicțion Is where growth stops And what fear hope To get in despair, Never to be right Stepping anyway, never straight Knowing but not caring About One of the selfisness traits Is what growing hate Watching the wrong movie for you Only because, or of the but, But in anygiven moment You shall feel rig...


Maybe life was mean to you The universe stopped giving you But maybe you forgot to believe in you And the universe can't reach you You are the creator Of your experience And i know you Know all the theory And still you lazy Or tired, or screw this shit up Cuz you think You deserve anything And you maybe But you lazy, And just think Plenty of solutions may blink But maybe you deserved something else You think So screw you universe you link Exteriors things. But you may try one more think Getting another passion and let it Remember how is to breath Simple, living in nature, with love and everything You want and you deserve, But some warriors have to retaire Later Or never Cuz having power and knowledge It's not enought Being there to use it, is the big pack :-D And with great powers come big responsabilities


:-) eu nu sunt profesor,sau posesor a ceva minune, mai mult ceas pentru trezire, cu fiecare spațiu de contemplare conștientă care îl ofer. Diferenta dintre viziune si fantezie, e efortul :-) Efortul ca sa ti îndeplinește viziunea, nu confortul sa fi in siguranta. Sunt momente când faci cat poti si ar trebui sa fie de ajuns, astfel nu ajungem la surmenaj pentru a mulțumi așteptări obiective, supra realiste Trist, multi visează doar in somn Nu ai cum sa găsești încrederea, daca nu sti ce cauti, cum sti ca aia i? Cand ai incredere in univers, doar arăți ca crezi in încrederea ta Dar cu trăiri sufletești prin cuvinte, Te poti strecura afara din minte Si cu fiecare crapatura noua Sa realizezi ca mesajul E deja acolo Trebuie doar luminat Si fiecare mesaj, duce  Dincolo de cuvinte Si realitatea nu te minte Doar iti aduce aminte If you don t get offended We can all have fun Because stupidity is everywhere All around Bucurate de incertitudine, asta te aj...


Atentia- capacitatea de a alege :-D sa arat ca pot sa fac chesti Sa fac chestii Care e mai scurtă? A2a Ce inseamna asta? deoarece prima implica sa consumi energie pentru ceva extern, iti scade puterea de procesare, corect? Si atunci? Asa functioneaza mintea, e egoism sa faci multitasking tot timpul. Comunicarea interioară simpla, iti conserva energia, si ajuta la o putere de procesare mai rapidă, eficienta. Asta e viata simpla de care vorbesc marii maeștri. E bun un dulap de cunostinte, dar câteodată e nevoie de un void, spațiu liber ca creația sa aiba loc.
;-) doamne ajuta tot ce e drept, si ajuta echilibrul care tine vizibilul si invizibilul sa nu se unească în totalitate, asta i iluzia, ca credem că avem nevoie de una sau alta, dar avem nevoie de ce trebuie.

Like a description with 2 sides Ro/eng

Eu câteodată Si daca vrei sa ma cunosti Mai profund, Eu sunt deschis Sa cunosc oameni noi in fiecare zi Asta nu inseamna neaparat ca ne vom potrivi, Sau dupa o intalnire vom realiza ca avem ce vorbi, Dar cine cunoaște o poveste buna pentru copii, Fără intriga, emoții, greseli si alte chestii? Viata trebuie trăită, nu calculată Iubita, nu renegata Îmbrățișată cu drag, cu curaj ;-)

Like a description with 2 sides Ro/eng

And on the other side My english isn't so bright And sometimes i ask someone to rewrite Without mistakes, But not because i want to be seen as perfect But because i want to reach the people Who are blocked in form and shapes, Lost in mind games Forgeting their capabilities which lies Under the doubts and fears And they don't know how to hear Their selfs Without thinking they are siners Just humans, Embracing the vesels they got As another game to conquer, Not as another terror of error. This is because there are plenty of smiles In unidentified pain, And ignorance is not The right path
Mințile briliante Pot crea vieții minunate Doar sufletele îndurerate Se pot pierde si mai tare, Astfel niciodată Să nu își mai audă chemarea, Iar inimile strălucitoare Pot licarii, Dar de multe ori intenția mintii E de a o opri Deoarece intelege conflict De interese În loc de asertivate pentru a intelege Dar adevarata minune, Va apărea Cu mai multa colaborare Fără o inimă grea Fără o minte tot timpul aiurea Si cu multa înțelegere pentru a le împăca.
Little temple Me im here You are there By different minds We are separed Thinking too much Carrying too less You can say we live careless But no, We are full But not with hearts Only with scarrying thoughts Forgetting our rights Given by god And all other saints The rights we can find inside Hear in silent mind From Our hearts.


Some masters And the only gift They got Was maddnes at the first sight, But perseveration is the true gift one can have To see in their fantasies more than an mere ilussion To transcende the visual concept Usual mental blocks With great fusion Of than and now, În a huge vision for the future. To forge me in we, Not to force, Just be In the right conclusion Transcending the ilussion And creating the future As it should be.
Păi bucurate, nu cauta probleme, pot exista tot timpul, respira lasa existența sa te surprindă, sa te cuprindă in viata :-p Cand te gândești la viață, doar o eviți, si e bine si asa, câteodată, dar ai grija sa trăiești, si suna simplu, dar multi contempleaza si comentează o viață, pentru ca nimeni nu i a invatat sa joace.


^_^ From past Right to the future Is the ilusion we had Induced The pain we had infused In our life To be harder For the light to reach us And for the darkness To be only in night. And we swing Throught darkness and lights In the citys "full" of lives Mere zombies alike And few trying hard To keep alive, The life To survive in a time Where surviving is the easy task But keeping sanity Harder than any others times.


The time is now Now is the begining Now is the end        It is the only time we have And everything we can ever do It's only in this moment There can be plenty of ilussions Thinking we can have many moments But the steps we can do Can't be in any other time Than now, Even if exist then And before them There aren't any other time than Now, Even if we might think There are three They just create one point Where we Can be alive. And feel Breathe in Breathe out It's the only time Where we can be for sure We are alive.