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Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2019

Every path is right if

Every path is right for the person who feel going that way    Usually, i°m more open to my emotions(some people think is not ok, huh, for me it°s working the best) and i chose to see the past, with lost happy moments, situations of life that passed by, and that the past, the younger i was my life was easier(because i didn°t have to care for to much because of hardworking parents), but now is the easiest, because i have to do what i feel, because surprise, this is me, and i find happiness when i create it or when i see others having deep moments of joy, the smile, the laugh, everything combined with connection in a web of life , which sometimes is better and sometimes is worst, you have to do what you can taking care of every detail it matters in your way.          Everything to work out is nice, or wonderful when everything just make you happy, confident and full of hope, who don°t enjoy this? But sometimes it°s the other way,...

Lucrurile mici, creaza planul mare

  Povesti cu un prieten care nu intelege de unde negativitatea din viata lui, dar cand faci ce nu vrei continuu, e ca si cum iti otravesti mintea cu minciuni sa continuie, nu sti alta cale, sau refuzi realitatea deoarece nu iti convine, dar accepta, cand acepti raul, binele sau neasteptatul, lasi fluviul vietii sa continue, ancorele doar consuma energia, trecutul nu il poti simti, doar sa revezi episodul, astfel neavand timp pentru episodul actual, traieste momentul si nu mai pierde episoade pentru episoadele pierdute.    Sper ca ai inteles prezentul, in engleza present= cadou care il iei doar acum fresh, dupa e doar o alta poveste, nu un moment, care poate fi exact cum vrei, depinde daca e doar o simpla dorinta sau ce ai castigat, primesti ce meriti, dumnezeu vede prin tine iti vede si motivul cand te prefaci, asa ca pentru poza e dragut, dar pentru om evoluat sunt trucuri, dar magia e realitatea muncita in fiecare secunda sa faci ce simti, poate uni sunt bles...