Treceți la conținutul principal

tastand trairea

Scrisul nu te face vesnic
Si nu invie trecutul pierdut
Nu primesti puteri nemarginite
Adevarul nu se iveste , fara sa-l cauti

Si poate tot ce sti e o minciuna
Dar daca nu testezi,
Viata nu-i devina
Doar divina

Creaza o cale in care sa gasesti
Dar nu definitiva
Nici nemarginita

O cale divina
Cu cate putina lumina
Pe care so acumulezi
Pentru tine si altii

Astfel sa exersezi
Capacitatea nedefinita,
Care se crede limita
Si asa e

Daca viata nu e iubita
Facuta cu placere
Fericit sau bucuros?

E minunat
Dar cu prisos
Daca te blochezi
Ca numai e cea fost...


Postări populare de pe acest blog

A letter of my, too much expectation ^*^ I feel like I can be friend with anybody but I deserve more. 'Yeee but we just meet', you can say, And I was thinking what would be nice to do together, some thoughts were naughty too, and I like simple things, but I feel like it would be interesting and sweet to grow near you without illusions, lies, and hidings of truth. To evolve with courage and faith. If you are reading this, is the third day since I saw your beauty, and maybe we should co-op for happiness and unconditional love. And I'm happy but I miss somehow a deep connection and a nice smile near me, some mornings or all, some inspiration and maybe too see and do more, with someone. You know everything I wrote here can mean anything, but if you think you deserve more from life you can check me with your eyes and your soul, to see the reality of my perceptions, not my words, not my story's, not anything else than what you ...

Alchemy of life

        Alchemy of life Make the right composition from the thoughts, in the beginning, you almost think they are randomly, but for your mind and soul to stay in synchronicity you have to understand that everything has a reason not always noticeable immediately but with patience, you receive what you deserve. ;-)  From the architect/God/Universe/swiz clock mechanism, doesn't matter the name, but your actions matter, live your life with courage and balls if you don't have borrow, but keep moving forward.       If life gives you lemons drink lemonade and make a lemon orchard.       This is the lemonade I managed to make with all the lemons from my life.     I'm grateful for all the frustrations, all the expectations that didn't happen, I'm not saying I want more of the bitterness of life or more events where I end up finding that words for some people are just words like synonym with jokes and ...
    Sarbatorile vin Aveti grija de voi si ale voastre case , Faceti curat ,aspirati covoare si spalati vase , Locul trebuie sa straluceasca , ca mosu sa nu se murdareasca Bradul trebuie sa fie ca in poveste Plin de globuri stralucitoare si ghirlande parfumate Toti din familie trebuie sa treaca la fapte si sa para fericita Mos craciun nu vine in ajun la casa nearanjata Iar copii rai nu primesc nimic , deoarece mosul are un testament gigantic Faptele , notele si in deosebi minciunile invatate Poate , de la parinti , nu or sa-ti aduca un cadou mult dorit Si fericirea ta va fi grav lovita si cu spirit critic O sa te enervezi si tot o sa incerci sa demonstrezi Ce copil ascultator si cum mosul se inseala tu meriti orce , si primesti Pentru a-ti demonstra recunostinta , te apuci de treaba prin casa Mizeria trebuie sa dispara si totul sa fie imaculat Nu trebuie sa ramana loc cu praf , vechi Vine mosul care trece la fel de repede Da vine anul nou care te face sa n...