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Moving . 4

 Natural born apes
With greater control over hands, body
Fusion with branches and leaves
Living for survival, no greater dreams
Simple as movement, simple as breathing
The flow of the jungle
Ruled by the motivation of staying alive

Dreaming itself is like a star, a ghost
Moving with a light speed
Is a dream hard to achieve

The fluidity of water in a concrete jungle
A flux of life inside a garden
Built by humans to keep the danger outside
Screaming for incarceration in a box
Scared of staying alone for long
Scars left the skin
And getting inside the mind of the damaged,
Evolved  humankind with a fixed interest
Lost the instinct, found a new judgment
Being safe, staying alive for as long as possible
Living a life for the sake of longevity
Wounded inside praying for time

Getting out the shell
Finding the movement of the body,
Natural selection of real life

Getting outside, playing like a silly little child
Jumping, climbing or flipping
Stupid things made only to pass the time
Putting yourself in danger only to feel alive
Risking a full life, for a retard moment
Adrenaline chasing idiot trying to show off
Without proper warm up or training
Why jump over a dangerous gap
When you can easily go around
And stay safe

Stop judging and perceiving things seen only for a frame
Falling doesn't mean failure
And conquer fear don't mean stupidity
Assuming without trying
Is riskier than jumping over a gap
We evolved, but the movement is still our nature
Comfort probably will give you
A place to your hundred birthday parties
You want it hard  you get it

But some people want stories and life experience

I like, I want, I love
And even if sometimes is hard
Trying to warm that sore body up
I start with little jumps, little catwalk
And before I know I'm starting to do a proper warm-up
Arms stretched, core stretch, quad stretch
Putting the instrument, the engine to start
Mind activated to a higher level
For a safer play
Before knowing you are jumping with a rhyme in mind
Doing all with safety,
Being prudent, being alive
Linking with a moving galaxy
And the irony
I'm staying on a chair in a chamber to write


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