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staying togheter

Friendship is more
Than having small talks
Than wasting nights and losing minds
Speaking about peoples who don't like you
Or the ones you hate

Is about helping
Promising each other the help
We all need
Right feedback for walking straight
On a lane ahead

Saying you are stupid
But in a helpful way

Not leting you down
For the choises you make

Staying together
Because you have something togheter

There was something you had
The present is the gift you have


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A letter of my, too much expectation ^*^ I feel like I can be friend with anybody but I deserve more. 'Yeee but we just meet', you can say, And I was thinking what would be nice to do together, some thoughts were naughty too, and I like simple things, but I feel like it would be interesting and sweet to grow near you without illusions, lies, and hidings of truth. To evolve with courage and faith. If you are reading this, is the third day since I saw your beauty, and maybe we should co-op for happiness and unconditional love. And I'm happy but I miss somehow a deep connection and a nice smile near me, some mornings or all, some inspiration and maybe too see and do more, with someone. You know everything I wrote here can mean anything, but if you think you deserve more from life you can check me with your eyes and your soul, to see the reality of my perceptions, not my words, not my story's, not anything else than what you ...

Cu credință, creare

     Cu cre dință, cre are           Fiecare acum rost         Etern are, cu fiecare chemare         Numele tau e tot mai putin          Tu si cu a ta identificare,          Stai cu noi, sa trăim            In lumîna mare         Simpla imbucurare           Si  Poate cauti credința, Dar de ce s-ar afișa? Doar sa o confunzi cu altceva Dacă n-ai, de ce ti s ar oferi? Nimic nu i simplu Sau usor Dar fără dreptul nu te prea ajuta stângul Sa mergi usor. Ce dai, aia primesti Vechea lege din povești Ca doar tu esti totul Echilibrand lotul Creând jocul Crezând că poti schimba totul Si e atat de adevărat, Cât o simti Macar pe tine, sa nu te minti Păstr...

Alchemy of life

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