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Se afișează postări din iunie, 2019

I should expect more?

it's a new opening to the dungeon, that is hidden in your soul, where love and courage should give you all the power you need, but you need to be awake and to know it, to get over everything and hug all the situations with your blissfulness. When I ask my mother to tell me a question to put it in the introduction of my book, she got blocked, I was expecting anything, but a pause, it's cool, I will surprise her more from now on ;-) The meaning of this is to make you understand that even if you don't receive the help of any kind, you can break the chain of mediocrity through a passion for your mastery of wisdom, dexterity, power or anything, just be here, to play the game, and we will all win. P.s. Unrealistic expectations still hurt, so expect less, do more and keep up the good work, not only keep up or good work, both together.

introduction and questions

     I               Enter Art by    1. What you can say about attachment? You need something but if you give life for things,  you lose. If you want everything then you accept everything that comes your way as easy as your desire. What goes around comes around.    2. How you would feel knowing that you can desire everything except love? I'm longing for love, but I don't want to be a tool or to make somebody else a tool of my lust,  there has to be pure desire, and from that, desire is like a sea on which you watch every flux and reflux till the end, the golden fish, the unexpected feeling of reaching higher grounds, where you start to understand, sometimes?    But can you keep every moment alive, wasting all your time for money to build lives around and help others to stay alive as well, as you swoosh through the realm and crea...

Chapter 0: Why?

I don't own the music, but for me, it worked. Life is made from trying and error.                                            All that is made with pure intentions of love, connection and courage to have the patience from simple moments of doing things with the faith of reaching something like mastery a form of art that suits you and help to active meditate will withstand the times and will find the eternity of love,some of us find love for something or an egoistical relationship with someone, it is ego or soul only you can find when you speak in simple mind code with your mind, you know for sure, nothing can be made without love.     Why I have this path, I go this path and no other?  Basic question from all times, why I'm in something with no rules but it's still so much mental blocking that is really hard to realize life, to find it easy and bearable,...

They are still in the pyramids

                                    Azir      I choose this name just because is a nice Egyptian league of legends champion, but who knows *  Sometimes, there is deep down, or high up, the level that can doom you and make you just a follower forever forgetting the magic 4d architecture of this world, base on numbers more than words, but still only with basic knowledge of both you pass, and reach the pyramids, or anything closer to a huge thing which is possible to be made only with lives of plenty or with very, very much time, patience or force can be the key to anything, but with patience, you grow wiser, and your power become a torch of light, a touch of life, to revive, to resurrect, the spirits of fallen, because shadows can be seen, with a bright light !     **   I asked God to give me to care a building, but he gave me the chance to care ...

who knows

                                     How thanks to music.              How it would be if you just reach the level, or acquire the knowledge to just be, permanently, and all of the material things become for you like breathing, depends on what you deserve for the moment and to be still in the balance between excitement and boring, and still being in a desirable game to play.         What game you may ask? The escape game from worrying, grieving or despairing into something else, something more warm like the conquering game of courage, following your passion, or desires of lifestyle.     Or finding the chosen one, woman who deserves you more than all others, and she can catch all your attention and still see the light of good omens.       Somehow every action can be another perception of life it...

Chapter X : Nature guidance

I don't own the music, but I love Neelix music, and I used it to create a rhythm to my thoughts. Love nature, animals, and people, if you can't, try to stay in nature ;-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I see You see They see Why nobody cares about me?         Just me, Nature of earth           3    ^  Attention to a tension  ^ Words Can be the keys To open the path, create a world For conscious growing And material glowing Attention flowing Can be about tension, growing For yourself, to keep on going Standing or wandering Doesn't matter Just don't forget that love keeps Together, space and matter  And words sometimes Lose in time, meaning Because of the universe  Vastity and infinity, how to know? From where to grab your knowledge? Where to fix your ledge  To find the words, or to make The logic...

Perspective from music

I don't own the music but I really appreciate his work and touch on music.                         Perspective from music       How I can write without music? Usually, I can't I need a track Of harmonic frequencies To support me Recreating myself in a bubble of time Refreshing space Of no boundaries or limits Nothingness to compare Everything seems fair Any stream of flow sounds well To go and wander And to arrive at some point To a beacon of knowledge That support farther hope For music and creativity to flow And the interest for art to grow, Helping people to flourish In authentic pictures of love.

De ce? o intrebare nelimitata.

De ce scriu? o intrebare nelimitata.cumva scriu dintr-un egois m, dar cu dorinta de conectare si astfel e un fel de altruism, cred Intr-un fel nici nu stiu, dar eu ceri pareri, pentru ca vreau sa fiu inteles acum nu dupa ce mor >> intr-un fel pare egoism, dar imi place sa fiu in mijlocul oamenilor, si daca pot sa le ofer unpic de aerisire mentala, cu drag. I mi place sa gasesc oameni unici, autentici si creativi, care fac cat pot, iar cand pot mai mult, nu se plafoneaza in obisnuinta, dar nici nu se cearta cand pot mai putin, ci doar isi propun sa fie atenti la ce conteaza, nu se blocheaza in trecut, dar nici nu stau cu ochii ingrijorati la fiecare asfintit. si de ce scriu, desi la scoala nu mi-a placut niciodata sa scriu. Pentru ca sufletul meu danseaza fara nici un efort sau grija, cand intalneste intelegerea, compasiunea si rabdarea, fundatia unei vietii in iubire sanatoasa si inaltatoare ...

Alchemy of life

        Alchemy of life Make the right composition from the thoughts, in the beginning, you almost think they are randomly, but for your mind and soul to stay in synchronicity you have to understand that everything has a reason not always noticeable immediately but with patience, you receive what you deserve. ;-)  From the architect/God/Universe/swiz clock mechanism, doesn't matter the name, but your actions matter, live your life with courage and balls if you don't have borrow, but keep moving forward.       If life gives you lemons drink lemonade and make a lemon orchard.       This is the lemonade I managed to make with all the lemons from my life.     I'm grateful for all the frustrations, all the expectations that didn't happen, I'm not saying I want more of the bitterness of life or more events where I end up finding that words for some people are just words like synonym with jokes and ...
I didn't choose environment activism, nature cry for help choose me =)) if the wild die,  Our soul will cry and our minds Will lose some quality input from outside... And maybe this


A letter of my, too much expectation ^*^ I feel like I can be friend with anybody but I deserve more. 'Yeee but we just meet', you can say, And I was thinking what would be nice to do together, some thoughts were naughty too, and I like simple things, but I feel like it would be interesting and sweet to grow near you without illusions, lies, and hidings of truth. To evolve with courage and faith. If you are reading this, is the third day since I saw your beauty, and maybe we should co-op for happiness and unconditional love. And I'm happy but I miss somehow a deep connection and a nice smile near me, some mornings or all, some inspiration and maybe too see and do more, with someone. You know everything I wrote here can mean anything, but if you think you deserve more from life you can check me with your eyes and your soul, to see the reality of my perceptions, not my words, not my story's, not anything else than what you ...
Poti sa mai traiesti si frica, sa simti frigul apusului vietii fara sa existe, dar sa te mai trezesti si-n amurgul curajului tau, e esential daca vrei sa treci peste orice. Cristian

Cu vantul vietii

Eu te vreau, Dar daca sunt prea mult Te inteleg, alergam incontinuare in vant Si alergam pana abea mai respiram Si dupa inca un pic Putin cu putin Ajungem de unde venim Macar sa ne bucuram, Sa ne simtim Sa ne revenim Sa respiram si iar, Sa clantanim povesti Esti? De unde esti Nu conteaza, Dar sa te vad in ochii Cu o fraza,si sa mi infloresti O alta barza? Pana cand, tot asa.. Sa mi irosesc inco idee O respiratie pe o data, De expiratie la limita, Si pana cand, tot asa? Tip til printre copaci si oameni Sa nu te deoache priviri de lasi Ca oameni-s limitati Unii Dar tu treebuiieee sa treci peste concepte Pentru evolutie, Dar oare ce o fi aia? Iubirea, Nu are cum Sa ramana fara curaj, Sau alti asi, gasesti printre cosasi Si restul de insecte, Care nu stau in insectar Ca e un peisaj mortal, dar Care nu au un moment, De respiro nici dupa orgasm Se intorc la nefiinta, in ultima farama de vointa care-au fost Ei. Manca-ti de vii, cu pofta de viata, Visele lor macar, Sa nu le dea gr...

At eternity gate You know sometimes, the best movie is the one you don't expect but it's like a gift because you keep your head up, even if sometimes you are hit with so much ignorance that make your insides feeling that are in the wrong place too. I think people seeing a vision all life, are hard to accept, but when they finish the work, most people want to stand around, after they were throwing rocks. But every saint can be a sinner and viceversa, we have to take what we understand and don't destroy the mistery of what we dont understand with our limitated perception.

Mastery are simple steps, powered by your true intention.

Nu sar peste obiecte Doar duc un bat printre degete Delicat si fin Energia nu o irosim Cand pentru pasiune ''muncim'' Nu e important ce depasim,  E important pentru ce nu ne oprim Si unde vrem candva sa fim ^^ mai sus e ultimul meu video cu jonglat ^^ O zii minunata.