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They are still in the pyramids


     I choose this name just because is a nice Egyptian league of legends champion, but who knows

*  Sometimes, there is deep down, or high up, the level that can doom you and make you just a follower forever forgetting the magic 4d architecture of this world, base on numbers more than words, but still only with basic knowledge of both you pass, and reach the pyramids, or anything closer to a huge thing which is possible to be made only with lives of plenty or with very, very much time, patience or force can be the key to anything, but with patience, you grow wiser, and your power become a torch of light, a touch of life, to revive, to resurrect, the spirits of fallen, because shadows can be seen, with a bright light !

    **   I asked God to give me to care a building, but he gave me the chance to care for spirits, which forgot the power,  hidden deep in moments of intense aliveness, made with everything that is on earth, but not for all people is the same story, who knows, how is your story, you will be selected to be the next master of this realm, master of pure intentions, consciousness, and lifecare?

 *** Believe it or not, you will see from now on, how much shadow can be seen with a beacon of faith, all-time on, from this moment on and on.
   Or how much light can fade with a master of snakes, who know, fiction or reality? holographic lies of fake desires or TRUTH, an action made from the heart.

Chose wisely, the trickster with a coin with 2 sides is there, somewhere, but now is your choice if you believe the words? of anybody if you can see new, when there is just old, or when there are just expectations but not pure intentions.

               Chose wisely the inspiration, or forget badly and leave with an expiration moment, or date,
of your legend, which is called faith, you forget yourself in others movies, and forget to make the life you were sent to help, survive or be forever late, who knows? 


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