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Se afișează postări din iulie, 2019


Touchdown Let's go Start with intention, find your passion Use your attention to grow      Stand Keep your ground even if, You can go or come It's doesn't matter As long as you flow You    Realy want?   Or just have another desire? To grab importance and feel big Touchdown everything, but every time too? What is a touchdown? Another kind of dream For too many people Another big order Goal? Or space for an extra sensorial kind Your wish is my command Univers demands just the same As you like It can be a curse When you don't feel like To play with all your might It can be a curse when you forgot The meaning of a goal When you don't feel like reaching home, Getting things done Or hit the winning touchdown Just overcome anything. Keeppp gooiiing

Demonii sau satan?

Lasitatea, gandirea sau perceptile vechii care te au ajutat in trecut, Dar le folosesti acum doar ca esti confortabil.  Si te lasi intrecut De lene Sau de ce-ai avut Si te-a rupt Lasandu-te Cu mintea acolo si cu corpul candva Dereglat, pierdut aiurea Respira, refresh, reactualizare,  Astfel tot timpul e o cale ^°^  Si cu curaj, realizezi o alta carare Din infinitul timp care fara varietate,  Moare de plictiseala  ;-) .

Why pyramids?

Sink everyone mind, in consciousness.    I ended up doing this because my life changed a lot lately and I was dragged down, by confusing connections with girls and the material world continuously slapping me, but maybe this happened just to make me focus on my inner fire breath, writing for consciousness, writing my realizations, anyone can have, but not everyone knows why to desire this.       I was lucky enough to find, like a checkpoint for my mind, to understand what means being alive, not thinking alike, just to make every step with a most caring touch, not only to be happy when I reach the goal. To want to hit the top and stay there, only because of how it feels, pure intentions of curiosity in search of the deepest love in-universe, the realization that anyone can feel like a divinity, a fallen angel in a labyrinth with zombies, un carrying predators in form of people, and a few who try to give a better moment for themselves and maybe for world ...

paradox of earth and sky

Passion is the key, to unlock compassion and the will to believe, the motives to strive for everything, to be more present for yourself and everybody, and to be prezent on your path to understanding and unconditional love for life and for others. Present/prezent  English/Romanian word for the same thing. ;-) Flow with love and peace  And you can create, The abys of pleasure with clouds of joy.  Stand tall  with you barefoot touching mother,  But let your mind fly with father  Living your passion gets you to love and compassion Geniality and understanding Is the way with no end.  Meditate now and forever!


There is a time with no more times There is time, and there are times When you live in joy and pleasure Forgetting the pain and sorrow But sometimes is the opposite And in any given moment You can switch Easy or hard? Depends on your attachment For a one and only outcome Or for everything that has to come Anything that will make you  More of a human being Will flood your way You can cry, or stay contempt You can live or stay absent Stay alive, be permanent On your journey to ascend To higher levels With quality steps Stay alert, living in the moment. There is a time where you can attain Your present, that is not an object, Just change the way the subject see And anyone can just be.


Something new after you get used to the old Make your next hand, to let it fold Stay on hold Sometimes I wish some people changed Then I see, some people never want to be A man of value Everywhere, you can see the cripple show From all the people Selling time cheap, just for a wow Buying everything, forgetting That the goal is to grow Inside, as you want to feel outside. Giving themselves for the first show Just cheap and low Giving away the only thing they own.

! random

soft When people are shaped by the environment and fears, most of the time they are living partially, losing the uniqueness everyone received and having an extra feeling add-on in your mind that of being a failure, but only you can find the present, in your own main quest. It's important to have a deep connection with your mind by continuously clarifying your puzzle of thinking. Creating space with logic through your mind which can be dirty or clean, like it is with a full of dust laptop, processing harder any command, losing efficiency. Or a house/palace where are plenty of stuff, but not using any or only a few of the things, like with the thinking countability game. Mind trick. You can be lost in mind waves of thinking, but not for eternity. If you pass the confusion that there are too many thoughts and you realize and manage them in every moment they appear, you can use your mind to think better and clear. Like its ok to feel agitated and wandering through the world bu...

idei idei

Si cand ma uit in spate Nu mai vad nimic, Ma uit in fata Ma simt strivit Lovit de nefastul eveniment Nepregatit O secunda am gandit, In cealalta m-am intalnit Suferind Si e liniste si pace Chiar si-asa amagit.

Mi-ar placea, asta-i clar

As vrea, Sa-ti doresti totul Dar sa te multumesti cu putin Sa vrei sa continue totul la infinit Si totusi, sa fie de ajuns Doar un pic Deoarece sti, de divin, Si sti, si ca nimic nu e ieftin. Un moment, un clipit Un rasarit, alt apus Alt cuvant spus Un gand scos Din necunoscut, O dimineata in care nu mai esti grabit. Fiindca ai venit, la realizare O gura de aer proaspata Doar pentru ca e servita constient O cana de apa, din care bei In timp ce vezi incet cum se scurge Si nu gandurile, suroaie de pe burlanul casei tale Ci momentele plenare Care le lasi sa fie, sau nu, Depinde ce crezi si tu? Care uni le gasesc doar la munte Sau la mare In rest Peste tot gandurile le stau in cale Iar ei cred ca nu sunt in stare, Sa fie atenti Fiindca au fost impregnati Cu valoarea mica, usor sa fie cumparati, De viata separati Cu griji permanente Nesigurante continue si evidente Ocazii prea multe, sa vezi fiinte Super potente, impotente Si nu fizic, doar incapaci...

Geniality through perseverance

This is the beginning of one of my books, I want to make like a soft for consciousness living, to help people realize, they are lost in a counting game of time and money, not in a quality check of the intensity of the moments. Developing through perseverance and power of will, for me is the only way.  Thanks for your attention. Geniality through perseverance - using juggling     Realizing the inner peace by using both hands as one.          Unity, passion, and compassion.      Why juggling? For me, juggling and sports, in general, is helping a lot with the focus and awareness, help me to create more ''time'', by having the energy you can play, work or do whatever you want more optimistic and this is a very important aspect, for a happy and joyfully life.  I believe juggling and equilibrium exercises improves the mind and increase the strength we have in our cores, and managing to play with both...

tryhard: 33

When you stand Stay still In the middle of torments of life situations You can fill How ill, is normal to be What is life meant, to make you feel? Clouds blur vision One can reach the right reason Through the fog, far from hope You just go Trying to reach the top Climbing on the ladder Of growth Going farther, till the next hop Running through levels Without breaking any dot