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Matter, time and space

                         What matters?

                    equilibrium in the
             the triangle of meaningfull 


                      Matter, time and space

A journal of the fruits of knowledge I found on the way to meet Grace/Faith/Love
               For people, actions, and flower sticks.

           and the link between the action of moving/doing something else than static meditation while fully conscious about your breath, posture and the action you like/love/enjoy doing/be.

** -different ways to speak about the creator, God or the Devil, they can be found both inside you when you focus on courage or live in hate. 
*the first being* *creator of the light* is not getting upset, because is above all words, feeling the intentions behind anything, this is why lying him is not working.

Is this just for a pause?

Yes, as you can speak
You have the capacity to listen
But maybe, most of the time

Getting lost, behind

In not having enough time

Because meditation
Is living
And not just laying chill
In any position

But being still
In every action
To be yourself
Knowing when is someone else

To care for the moment

Having gratefulness

For the moments that got you here
Embodying the space

Of the place, your body fills

This is somehow you
Without the auto-correct
Of living in a society
That almost, everyone gets

Anyway, you are lucky,
So be happy
And share the feeling
Because someone maybe forgot

How it is, to have hope!

Care, love, pray
Or anyway
Just do it
Your way

But the revenge you should ever to give
Take it from heaven
From where you exist
Forever, in a biss

Of the song chorus, you listen
On repeat because for the moment
It's all about the beat
In the wave of the heart flow

Of creating life
For anyone
To reach paradise,

*Mewmaw* space
For showing how it is
To get back from a bath in the human world

Reaching the roots of the seen world

                          Why to read all these words?

    Because there is no correct path to the center, just a way created by the way you like to be and do what you believe, and sometimes reaching the Faith, two words that for some
 people mean the same, but you can't compare high Fa ith or a low Be lieve.

      Two of the people that arrived at the realization that living is about being unique, doing daily chores with carrying and understanding, that life is about growing together to a better person, if not together with another person make it just a walk with *The being of the beginning*. About helping others without carrying to be helped back, in the end, helps you, and if you deserve something you will receive.

       But only if you pass the challenge of God teasing you, and you still live with patiency because, for everything worth to be created *the unconditioned giver of love* find a way to make you wonder, giving you intense feelings, joy and the love you sent for life without expectations, come back because you are living in a mirror of your intentions, not in a mirror of your neediness.

     Actions that are made out of the pure intention of enchanting life, founding paths or helping you to survive if you desire to continue a miserable life, just because perseverance is needed for life and this existence sometimes seems is just a way to evolve the best computer ever made, the human mind. Alien or any living creature that maybe is watching us, but didn't find the reason to tell us more about them, because we still use anything without carrying about nothing, but we are ascending.

 If you found what is most important for you to survive/live/inspire be grateful because everyone has different difficulties, but most important is to have hope they are doing like you, they're best. Some truths take time to be understood, and the focus of any living being is full of diversity, that you just have to accept or not. Depends.

Eckart Tolle/ David R.Hawkins are the authors or the contemporary persons that found time for being a human with courage, faith, and the unique curiosity to follow an unseen path about which is spoken in different ways and lessons, but by people that do this for lower reasons like running from life, not following the unseen path to understanding what *Creator* did to this realm.  Thanks to the work they did, it helped me to get over the unworthy feeling that can be lethal if you don't mind.

Writing sometimes is like having the right mentor close to your fingertips and eyes to receive the blessings that are contained in the pages, you just have to read, slowly, to let your mind digest the message that can be close to your perception, or the roof of your faith. Anything can be life-changing if you give time for the message to sync with your existence and to fully understand sometimes simple words, or actions need to give your payment, called time to understand.
 Rushing to finish more books can be useful, but just reading one book like PowerVsForce can give you knowledge of trusting the *existence* to give to you what you merit, deserve or sometimes desire, but desires can be swallow. Whatever ever just be careful what you ask, you don't know when it became the reality you thought of, because you hate it. Focus on what positive change you can make, not what you hate.

Because a wise person, I heard it from Tony Robbins, said

 ''Where ever your focus goes, energy flow.''

They helped me just because they went on a way that made them realize that life has a spiritual path incorporated in any other path if you divide life actions and spiritual knowledge, you still didn't found, the last why of the Fibonacci spiral path. The way that is behind all the mistakes you do because of laziness, the faults that are because of the lack of knowledge.

 But the worst is doing bad intentionally just because for the moment it gives you the feeling of being important.

Albert Einstein said:

'' Try not to become just a man of success, but rather a man of value. ''

 Another way to see this, importance is for filling the ego, value is about being the echo of highest standards you ever understood, through your actions, passions and without carrying if you will ever receive the rewards for being like this.
But remember, a living being receive everything at the moment for them to consciously and continuously get closer to ''an imaginary friend'' that is showing what to do, but you still have to do/be in a way that helps you survive and evolve, but without destroying the chances of others to do the same. Ram Dass said a great sentence I love is :

'' We all have our journeys, but we're all walking each other home.''

I had the ''unluck'' to have neutral energy that is helping me to understand that force have the power to create but have the resistance that any forced action gets for rushing to the goal, power is aiming for a quest where you know if you help others, power of this *season father* will come to assist you to find peace and this is a very good point to be.
    Creativity it's transcending the common automatic thinking and giving you the capacity to focus, where is needed for creating an evolution of perspective/paradigm. Everything gets a mood lift when someone creates joy consciously for the sake of having great moments, not just good pictures of walking the world. Creating smiles with the passion you enjoy doing, is working for the *living beings*, while going for your dream of evolving somehow in a way never seen before, like is natural.

   Actions with pleasure and joy create the mirror that is?
Happiness and blissfulness. Simple equation
        Give with pure intentions= receive with the deepest heart recognition of another human that dares to go and try.
 Like someone who found his passion can relate that it started of curiosity and in the other moment he or she just realized that is doing that on daily basis and most of the time without thinking about reward, the reward is the pleasure, money is sometimes a challenge, to test your perseverance.
          Still, there are people with money, but close to zero joy of living the life they made, so focus yourself for the bigger reward that is the active meditation from any passion, called in the beginning a hobby.

    Being surrounded plenty of people that are living without creativity and passion for a better moment, tomorrow or when it will be, because ''love is planting trees even if you know there is the option to never see the achievement of ''your simplicity'' or ''stupidity'', you know the earth deserve help because too many individuals are seeing just numbers, that can be counted. Showing the first brain of the animal, still owning the desires of the so-called evolved being, that sometimes can be named as human because the capacity is there, but we don't learn to trust the unknown because it implies the risk to find at a moment we went in the wrong direction.
    Meditation is the time you wander through your body and mind, to understand deep to the ''why humans are like this'' with the body we see and inside, is an energy that is filling the suit that keeps us in this dimension, having already installed software that people are referring to as miracles, supernatural powers or fantasy. Because they need to see to believe, most of life is unseen, not because it hides from you, you are not open, like expecting a gift from Santa but without writing a letter. Without an open mind, there can't be lasting peace and love, that gives you space to create your logical web of connections to improve your time of action or reaction, whatever you chose for you to ''ride on time, not let the time wore you off as it ''ride'' you with fear and anxiety. Everything that you find there, in your head can exceed your expectations farther than the existence of aliens. Because everything the mind is capable of comprehending and accept, maybe at your point you can use it as you understood from *creator* talks or monologues with messages through words, images, dreams or anything that sync and complete your sentence, or starts when you end a thought, but everyone communicates differently.
   Any way that makes you be more than just a life situation, helping you find your energy that is without form, limits and adapt to the moment situation can be your hobby or your passion, do it as much as you feel, active meditation through pleasure is one of the easiest but very useful way to reach in the home, head or the receiver of the *divine* signal.
    example :  Collective evolution => individual lifting

                joy=> easier to feel the natural happiness of being,
      at this moment, alive, and with space for doing what you love. Create heaven or yell that this is hell in disguise, you make both, just focus where you want to go to find love and realization of the power father had trust and faith to give. It's not hidden, but even if works you don't want to accept, open to the new that can be sometimes full of dangers.
  Full of new ways to do mistakes, but you have to overcome anything for a state that is helping you, from small things like a faster recovery to the big think of having an aura that infuses others with your peace and love.
With peace of mind is somehow, in my opinion, the best, because when you live the others can hear the mental noise better and to understand why cleaning your energy with the help of meditation nature or animals, make you a better person because it lightens your life situation, by giving you space to understand the difference of being a receiver of the universe life and love for the sake of evolution and passing through challanges that just show you there is more than you ever left yourself to believe about imagination.
  Yes, it can be used for evil too, but not so easy, because *Creator* made this life like this for all living beings to have a wonderful drive through a maze of becoming the human you want to find around you.
   Still, some people are cursed to enjoy creating pain and sorrow for ''humanity ideals'' but that is just for a part of humanity, another way of men to demand respect and fear from others, because are scared to live *The almighty* do his great and passionate work, in a kind of a ''study about living creatures''.

Some people understand that unconditional love, which gives inspiration and freedom creates a family that is not blood-related, but goal related to enjoying together in a different kind of pray and meditation to show gratefulness for existing in the now. because they live in they're house, that is earth.

Earth is the house for everyone here, no one can control the planet without it to let it.

Why care about something that no one care, or to have faith and hope that there is more to life than what others told you?

The reasons for not carrying about a spiritual path for better understanding everything with ^ are from this sentence:

^Showing off       ^Uncleared childhood traumas
^They don't know better       ^Competition        
 ^ ^Little or/and close to nothing, moments of love in they're life's that showed them the feeling of nothingness, and for some people, the change is just for not reaching the point of not being needed. Still, the *Admin* is just checking if you use the world, or you accept being used by the world too, both need some kind of courage.

Like the pleasure of being attached, in love with someone and after this end, for different reasons to detach and accept the raw moment of being in a different state, in this example from couple to single, accept and move on or have a moment of melancholy can be your choice, there is no right or wrong.

 Only if you do wrong because right is something new that needs your full focus and awareness to move forward, but anything you do will make you evolve, maybe not in a way you expect, variety of situations and beings is a quality of *the universe and life*

Life is not letting anyone behind, if some get ahead, all will receive like bonus experience from they're deeper understanding that is shown through everything they do.

Why?   I use prezent because I think is pointed better to the idea of living in a continuously and consciously zen state

Being aware and prezent, sometimes makes you look like a graceful little player in *Father experiment* for reaching a higher level of awareness and focus calibration skills. Just because you accepted him as your team player, but you don't expect anything more than understanding, clarity and sometimes responses to must have prayers.

   Pray for collective life miracles, that are easier to listen by *Him*. Like being at a life concert, it is making everyone be more prezent and alive, to be there, to receive the fun, knowledge or lesson.

        Remember to never forget, you can't be in the same team with *the genius developer*, if you don't care about team play with everything and anyone that is now like this or like that, with you at this moment, filling the same earth, and spinning through the confusion and wandering times, as you do.

  Understand that having a different number for your age is not making you better or less for the team, any player enjoying cooperating with life, is important for universal smile and blissfulness.

  Whatever if you are older, you should accept easier the differences, but sometimes it is the opposite, so have compassion for everyone who got here,
you never know what hell someone walks through. Easy to comment hard to understand another man test, and if you can't help, at least don't break the spirit of any man you get to see, don't put dirt and mud on anyone who tries living. Because you will receive bad things for what is important to you, so you shouldn't disturb, if you don't want to give a piece of hope, insight or lesson.

     Team playing is about the whole team, about the unity goal of creating an environment of little to none harmful actions focused on living beings, or sacred items of others. Like EARTH.


I can see, I can jump and maybe I can grasp,

But I'm just confused on a huge path

In the end, knowing I don't lose anything or not,

And just crowded by all concepts I can't grasp,

Because is a jump
A leap of faith
Over the gap left on the way
To see who understand it right

A pitfall created for heaven or hell,
New and old are just the same, and everything is just a game
Played by some old trickster with a coin
And everything with given names is just the sides

Desired and undesired 

Yours and mine
Or we
But if I am you and you the same

We can't lose each other, cuz we are linked to the same coin or
We are just the old guy, wasting time
Fliping around and thinking if is good or bad, but at the end who cares,

I play the game somehow I create,
Together with Him

So if I lose, still there is no end

Another opportunity for what you care

And deserve,
You get

Me I'm here and you are there, because of different minds, we are separated,

We have missing feelings sometimes we feel,
But if we don't miss, anyone or anything
Natural is to be called a single player

A game, we don't have the courage

To handle or be at least just

Care, love and pray.

^Have to little time for being a family member for every living creature

^They focus on something they see to others to be important
^Still don't know that every individual  moment is enchanted if is made with a group of people you enjoy spending time with

Because everything worth doing for this life can have more rewards than money, friends or titles. It can make you become a human that transcended the animal brain, and most of the time or all, is acting from heart, that is the result of understanding that life is about 3/5 or 10 things, like posture, breathing, and passion.

Or mastering a few skills through your natural enthusiasm of doing that or this.

Leading your fingers, legs or full body to master a skill, even if it will not feed you this life, but still giving you the pleasure that transcends the life situations, and bring you into what?


Maybe I'm simple
Or stupid, or both
Hardly at prime time to recognize
At first hard to feel blessed

But from the first spin
I feel for it
I failed, but I still tried it

And soon
Finding the joy

Another spin, another lap
Time lapsing
Ironically can be  called time-wasting too

But with every turn
I got in return
More immersion, with the flow

Getting new tricks and grow

In awareness and skill combo

And time is ticking
Flower sticks are spinning

And I learn clockwork mechanism

In a simple space art

Moving an object with a speed in the space
Like time
Ironically joking with the universe

In the higher laws

Of never doing wrong
And dying bored

Just dreaming
Or as the universe bring
And some times make me wander
There can be joy and love
In an enthusiastic way

Like fitting a glove,
Simple, not complicated
Complex but still easy to get it
Helps momentum

Force field of awareness adapt to gravity

That creates the natural

Well repeated steps

That every complex move is many
Perseverance to follow the progression
Creating huge
Effortless act
And a big dream

      Into living the action you're doing, giving you pleasant moments of aliveness that is called active meditation, making you feel less to none effort and helping you to overcome anything to create momentum for peace to be.

    << The lowest level, creating bad weather, just because you sell umbrella or creating unworthiness that can be dressed up with expensive clothes, or doing compassionate action just because it is a must for you to feel more important.  >>

 One of the activities that made me find peace and love is writing, and this are my baby steps for uncovering the picture or creating the image of what is hard to understand about what love is about.   *love*.

Love like there is no tomorrow, but caring like life has no end because it has no end.

 What it has no end?

The *universe*, it's variety and creativity and *the old Man in the sky* will challenge you to live with understanding, that even if you feel like the worst or the best, everything that matters for your happiness, joy and maybe blissfulness require you being fully aware that you can't all the time just to ascend.


Because if you ascend you have to first adapt to the intensity of the newly reached level, for achieving knowledge to be prepared for the next elevation, that uses time.

But how it needs time if there is no time?

   Time is the way you can find that life is a dance of any imagined moves, that is between you and the universe, but sometimes God acts through life situations, people, animals.

    The winged animals especially because they fly high enough to recognize our spiritual work, and if you listen, you will find most of the time birds are laughing.

   Not to worry my friend, they do this but are not insulting you, just giving gratefulness to and for the *existence* because from up in the sky, maybe they're understanding that life on earth is important, worth leaving and sometimes hard.

   Whatever most of the time they have one of the best mentality for adaptability ever saw around. ( still, there are stupid situations when because of the climate, it appears faster changes to the weather is training them to try harder, or to vanish and to become just a memory of variety gift that *Earth* left for us to never get bored and a sacred geometry that helps.

   Different species of animals have a bigger impact on life, but all kinds matter for the wonderful journey to be magic and to show the bonus in human mind complexity and capacity to create a global standard that cares about life, meaning to care for the house of our kind called Mother Earth, that has the incredible wisdom to balance itself for every time the creatures living here achieve the evil side of the coin, being attached to the number of coins, not the quality of the moment.

  Starts when we understand air is our fuel, degrading and decaying the invisible gas, made visible by science, is cutting our physical capacities.
Better quality of air, is like better gasoline for the car, and you know?

The car can be changed, your body for the moment, have only one try.

   => Quality of the moment= it's helped by the quality of the air and the peace of mind world wide. Everything is connected.


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