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 Is this just for a pause?

Yes, as you can speak
You have the capacity to listen

But maybe, most of the time
Getting lost, behind
In not having enough time

Because meditation
Is living and believing
And not just laying chill

In any position you get
Equilibrium of posture with mind being still
In every action

To find yourself
And know the purpose
Of the triangle angles
There are three actions 
In every moment of time, even if you not realize
Posture, breathing, and action
Is the small multi-task you simple have

If you know and understand
Using this knowledge 
Help you cross the land
Firstly diminishing your energy use

Overall getting you, in your present
Where complex actions and skills
Unfold in mind, opening new logical paths
For improving, everything that matter
For every
Planetary random original unity draft
For every human that compare
Proud with pride

Be here now
Is the only moment of time
You have

Because there are plenty of moments and times
But only 1 where you can act
Only one individual you can understand
To the core and to every extension

Having compassion for everybody else

Even if they are different
They will find a time 
To care for the moment
Understanding that happiness and joy
Are natural
As curiosity and differences

Having gratefulness

For the moments that got you here
Embodying the space

Of the place, your body fills

This is somehow you
Without the auto-correct
Of living in a society
That almost, everyone gets

Anyway, you are lucky,
So be happy
And share the feeling
Because someone maybe forgot

How it is, to have hope!

Care, love, pray
Or anyway
Just do it
Your way

Revenge is a mind trap
A lost sidetrack in your path
Find in your heart and spirit
A clue of what blissfullness
State, feel and taste

Revenge and vengeance
Should never get you down to hell
Just create a better
A mind f!!k
Spin, with right and good
For everyone
Even if they don't deserve
For now

Who knows?
The echo will vibe

Of the song chorus, you listen
On repeat because for the moment
It's all about the beat
The waves of the heart flow

Of creating life
For anyone
To reach paradise,

*Mewmaw* space
For showing how it is
To get back from a bath in the human world

Reaching the roots of the seen world.


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Remember!    Remember every thought you have is important, not life-changing you can think, but you still have to observe everything that goes through your life, your head and learn to evolve and transform. ;-) Transcend the perceptions, raise and step higher, transcend the levels of consciousness. conscious (adj.) c. 1600, "knowing, privy to" (poetic), from Latin conscius "knowing, aware," from conscire "be (mutually) aware," from assimilated form of com "with," or "thoroughly" (see con-) + scire "to know" (see science). The Latin word probably is a loan-translation from greek. - definition, you can look for it too.     Everything has a reason, as everyone has his own path. Remember life, as the universe, as the meaning of the words God, saint or useless, depends on what level of perception you look. Some pieces of the puzzle you receive now, maybe you will understand later, depends if you accept the learnings/r
Ar fi fain Ar fi fain acum C ă ne știm, ne recunoaștem, Suntem unul pentru celălalt, Să ne petrecem ziua ca fiecare zi, Împreună să ne plimbăm, ținându-ne de mână. Să ne culcăm cu gândul bucuros Că dimineața suntem tot împreună. Ar fi fain să se întâmple asta Și să nu mai pierdem nicio zi, mai ales o lună. Îmi amintesc cum era, dar vreau să simt acum. E doar o zi, dar ar fi fain să o trăiesc cu tine. Toată viața am căutat, dar m-am oprit Când te-am găsit și nu știam Importanța și valoarea clipei, și-ntr-un moment – Acum – totul se rezumă la a fi cu tine.
M y s t e r y Life is a mystery to me even now, While I'm walking through misery. I can't lose hope, I'm curious of everything  About every way the light gets through  The dark and these empty shadows.