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life is about next choice of action

******* Every complex goal is reached through a mix of automatic actions or reactions to intense training and some new actions that keep the enthusiasm and intensity levels in balance for giving you enough energy for an amazing focus. Letting you be creative and help you to understand deeper and deeper why you like or dislike the passion you have.

Yes, there still can be moments you don't feel like doing this or that even if you don't do anything else in particular, wandering and observing are amazing tools of learning and understanding human lives, but still the best way to acquire knowledge is by doing what you feel as much as is possible and still respect nature and life.

Every harm you do to the outside gives you back some bad energy/karma or it can be just some self frustrations you receive from yourself after your mind thought is a good idea,

how this sound?

Do you think that life is about how you use your energy, increase or decrease it?

I believe everything is about how you use it, let it be influenced/infused/inspired by others, and how pure are your intentions, fading from real to fake and faker.

In everything that needs energy or objects exchange, you have to think at least about three basic qualities of the moment

1. Efficiency


3. Quantity

         Choose the real path that requires courage, faith, patience and understanding the perception of having love in your life, or forcing love and affection in your life. The idea of power versus force I found in the book written by David R. Hawkins, in my opinion, the greatest consciousness miner of knowledge for himself and everyone, his archeological relics found in the mind, made me get to the logical point of situation easier, faster. The main idea between power and force is that force always will get resistance when the power it feels like flowing on the wave of time.

        Force can get you faster to where you want to be, but you will not receive the peace to enjoy it, because you destroyed nature or somebody else peace, so why to receive peace? the same is with forced love.

              Main source for power is love, the one in which you engage the best you can, maximum cooperation even if its just for now or forever, the idea is you never know and you understand the other living being, and yourself that sometimes you need time, to get the why, and to evolve, transcend and enjoy your every mode swing, because you swing back where you want it to be.

Watch this amazing representation of the unity concept, maybe the endpoint of view of this whole chaotic and moving universe is to reach the view of the entire universe in your moment of eternity. 
Who knows?

   ** In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form. You can then feel the same life deep within every other human and every other creature. You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness. This is love. ** Eckart Tolle was the first spiritual writer I acknowledge as a master of life, how deep he is, it depends as for everyone. 

       First basic of life> making the action of breath in, breath out with your focus on the multiple purpose food you inhale, the air.


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