Remember every thought you have is important, not life-changing you can think, but you still have to observe everything that goes through your life, your head and learn to evolve and transform.

conscious (adj.)
c. 1600, "knowing, privy to" (poetic), from Latin conscius "knowing, aware," from conscire "be (mutually) aware," from assimilated form of com "with," or "thoroughly" (see con-) + scire "to know" (see science). The Latin word probably is a loan-translation from greek.
- definition, you can look for it too.
Everything has a reason, as everyone has his own path.
Remember life, as the universe, as the meaning of the words God, saint or useless, depends on what level of perception you look. Some pieces of the puzzle you receive now, maybe you will understand later, depends if you accept the learnings/realizations, if you really want to understand, to receive the wisdom from all the moments, to love everything, but still having your ratings for everything.
At the core you are everyone, playing in time, you become on the way, as you act with courage, or live in the role of victim with cowardness, your Higher-Self.
"Everything that happens to you is the best thing that could ever happen."Zen- the art of [happybees(a random mistake, or not)] happiness

* You have to observe and adapt, refresh your desktop every time you remember, and maybe is an option to do this in every moment.
** Follow your heart flow as you spin around with life teachings, or with the mistakes, you don't want to understand.
*** After you remember, then remember to never ever forget, what you have learned but don't be attached to any concept, or to any position.
**** Every moment you have the answer, don't play stupid, keep your courage, think with faith. ****
Love with passion.
Live with compassion.
I'm happy to enjoy the understanding of my family, this helps me a lot for my creative process. I feel blessed, even if for a long time I couldn't understand how much they love me.
> Grammarly app, etymology online.
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