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(I love music and I don't use the song to make money, only to light human spirit.) The first time, they helped us, But now, Now, we don't know? We are here For a period of time that goes by, And then we go To fight again Fight? What? Our inner monsters We receive quite an infusion From everybody, Feeling that you are not enough? This was what the world thought us And you think That we can do better For sure and forever Focus on your path Where? Where you see the light.
Original Be grateful Near the edge  o f your patience and courage Where? Creativity has no end. And now you think , if you have it? Yes, if you,   ,  You have it. Only from silence and space From creativity pause, Space to inhale To the moment you have To exhale Your creation You can create Because you are not different, You are great Being yourself i n everything you make, Can create the dream You deserve to get.

Live Believe. Take air, repeat/

You will live And receive What life prepared for you But you know? How it is to create an exciting life With balance and harmony Paradoxes Looking for love when you hate Yourself Or Giving advice for something you never tried But still, no one saw you ever to fail So for some, this is a kind of master Value, you have when you care Starting from you and hoping that It has no end, or it will Depends Most important thing  Be yourself, Ah, this you are already doing it! Nice, and you accept your animalistic parts of behavior? Ah, like Having patience and courage  To explore Your inner sides, that are made of past The before life  Trough jungle and tribes Diversity of challenges Variety of experiences Or multiple ways for the same wish ''Flying for the middle of the universe Because there can be an option of goal But everyone is starting from somewhere else, With different costume, quests, and l...

life friend

What if getting people to understand and feel peace and stillness is a bad thing for some? Like making them realize how nice is to have peace, but still to believe is hard to achieve... > everything, is small details focused on a way that gives emotions and moments with the intensity that make you feel more alive. Every path has the pros and the cons depend on your values. Meditate 24/7 there is no time for being bored.


        What is cold? My perspective about the cold mind-set.  Like to don't care or to care so much to be able to let go, because everyone needs to grow, to adapt, to evolve.     Cold -  Is to think you should care about somebody soul more, but only when is too late and you feel bad.     To think somebody else is cold when he just accept everyone free will, you can give opinions but you can't act for somebody else.      Playing with each other emotions just to don't stand still, to keep the focus of the other just to don't lose it.      Is when you feel bad about somebody or something, but you keep going on your path because you don't have enough time. And warm kind of actions, because using Hot get people minds to other things... Understanding is cute and warm Authentic carrying  Offering space and time, like it has no end :-) I woke up in the morning, like no other morning. The ide...


Remember!    Remember every thought you have is important, not life-changing you can think, but you still have to observe everything that goes through your life, your head and learn to evolve and transform. ;-) Transcend the perceptions, raise and step higher, transcend the levels of consciousness. conscious (adj.) c. 1600, "knowing, privy to" (poetic), from Latin conscius "knowing, aware," from conscire "be (mutually) aware," from assimilated form of com "with," or "thoroughly" (see con-) + scire "to know" (see science). The Latin word probably is a loan-translation from greek. - definition, you can look for it too.     Everything has a reason, as everyone has his own path. Remember life, as the universe, as the meaning of the words God, saint or useless, depends on what level of perception you look. Some pieces of the puzzle you receive now, maybe you will understand later, depends if you accept the learnings/r...

unfinished idea

Original picture  the same picture in 3 different deep dream generate       Peace or the equilibrium of our tensions, to act as every I wish, not to react continuously to fear but to move with courage in the way of our dreams. My dream is global peace and wellness for everybody.    Revenge is better to be given by God, because this way we show we learned the true forgiveness, I forgive but still I remember, and is not my choice, is my logical processing and malware defender that keeps me away from failing without carrying.

Open yourself to fun.

    The big idea of a party is to let ourselves to be open, to express and interact with everyone and everything as much as we feel, still carrying about everyone happy.         Because of more happiness and joy, help people to feel way more easy and intense these feelings, like an imaginative adventure, but with the benefits of meeting new people with close to the same passions. Understanding that everyone just tries to find the confidence to have fun, and maybe create it for others too.       Search for the good in people around you, even if sometimes is easier just to point out the mistakes and get over this genetic lottery of shapes and forms, and look for authenticity and creative use of the space.

life is about next choice of action

******* Every complex goal is reached through a mix of automatic actions or reactions to intense training and some new actions that keep the enthusiasm and intensity levels in balance for giving you enough energy for an amazing focus. Letting you be creative and help you to understand deeper and deeper why you like or dislike the passion you have. Yes, there still can be moments you don't feel like doing this or that even if you don't do anything else in particular, wandering and observing are amazing tools of learning and understanding human lives, but still the best way to acquire knowledge is by doing what you feel as much as is possible and still respect nature and life. Every harm you do to the outside gives you back some bad energy/karma or it can be just some self frustrations you receive from yourself after your mind thought is a good idea, how this sound? Do you think that life is about how you use your energy, increas...


      Why? Hi, there is life Talking, but not using words Only this time ;-) Speaking with you Through time Associating or dissociating You can choose How your mind play, If you know what I say If not? You still have to wander Around the world, the words And find or create What you would like to have It's all about a mind game Because the mind can be rich If you don't corrupt Your algorithm The mind is like a bitch If you are not friends And have to pay for intensity Of the moment But still, Life is good Giving opportunities And letting you choose The outcome If you care If you have prepared And feel everywhere You are alone Like getting called Looney Tunes And to don't care This means somehow to be prepared Because there is still war, And you have to keep your peace Of mind embracing the soul Never ever to be truly alone,  Here you are, home.    Everything you choose should be perfect, but it's easier af...

Use your common sense.

   At first, I couldn't understand, but for me good music is everything, and the bad one is making me wander the world for the better one. And still, I know that everybody has incredible music but maybe because of some reasons, unreleased, and is sad. It is about any kind of art, not just music... But for some people, the realization that every noise is music, and that the music is making their lives easier or harder, is the game-changing thing.                                   Everything matter, so if you feel like showing your skills, just do it. ;-) Life is unique, with different paths for everyone, so don't let your authenticity to be shaped by the fears of others.

Creation of peace

There should be light, Without shadow But darkness is everywhere Creation An act Of transcending Levels of assumptions, Half of the pressure  Release No holding No biss Don't miss Another chance To reach 'paradise' Finding the reason to open Your eyes Only with faith... You can reach the realization But at first? You need a powerful Why? What I have to learn From this... It's darkness Like in the abyss And cold But, maybe this Is the only way to reach The blissfulness Of living daily peace.

Everything for a reason

Everything is happening for a reason. You feeling great or miserable, have a deep connection with your path, your way of doing things, taking action or creating reactions to external or internal stimulus. You can focus your free will on desires, creation or anything, choose wisely. Everything is up to you, to your body extremities control or your mind, or your beliefs system. Check everything, to be clear, as the sky. Now, it's up to you.

At a point

Sometimes There is only Time Not plenty or more Just momentarily Wherever your focus goes, Don't create a reaction Find alienation In your head. Search for everything You think you should have But don't grab the first thing Just breath when you see Something That, for you, gone missing Because of hard feelings Grief or pathological Embod, It's a co Like it was extinct! But your heart is still beating And you got a chance With every embodiment Of yourself, you can C Check Every cute girl, Or any adorable boy Creation Is like nature, You do it because is the best, Way to reach deep In your universe And I'm walking my mind through episodes of fainted reality, fake reality, and back to number 1, you. Your Higher Self is close to selfishness. But if you wander around, grab every thought and see, understand, adapt and find your circle, and complete every quest of the moment, that is the God preparing for another action or observation, or, are you tr...

another What If?

What if, when something that you think is 'bad' happens, you realize that and become aware and turn your respond on positive and optimistic, through gratefulness, and you actually change the reality?      I was watching 'Be here now' and the buffering was not working and making me a little angry, but after I realized that I have to be grateful for everything I got, and it worked.  You can input your intentions on anything and everything.   But still every time I wasn't there or lost in thoughts the buffering issue was reappearing?  Coincidence? The same thing happen when I was watching our planet 3rd episode.


Touchdown Let's go Start with intention, find your passion Use your attention to grow      Stand Keep your ground even if, You can go or come It's doesn't matter As long as you flow You    Realy want?   Or just have another desire? To grab importance and feel big Touchdown everything, but every time too? What is a touchdown? Another kind of dream For too many people Another big order Goal? Or space for an extra sensorial kind Your wish is my command Univers demands just the same As you like It can be a curse When you don't feel like To play with all your might It can be a curse when you forgot The meaning of a goal When you don't feel like reaching home, Getting things done Or hit the winning touchdown Just overcome anything. Keeppp gooiiing

Demonii sau satan?

Lasitatea, gandirea sau perceptile vechii care te au ajutat in trecut, Dar le folosesti acum doar ca esti confortabil.  Si te lasi intrecut De lene Sau de ce-ai avut Si te-a rupt Lasandu-te Cu mintea acolo si cu corpul candva Dereglat, pierdut aiurea Respira, refresh, reactualizare,  Astfel tot timpul e o cale ^°^  Si cu curaj, realizezi o alta carare Din infinitul timp care fara varietate,  Moare de plictiseala  ;-) .

Why pyramids?

Sink everyone mind, in consciousness.    I ended up doing this because my life changed a lot lately and I was dragged down, by confusing connections with girls and the material world continuously slapping me, but maybe this happened just to make me focus on my inner fire breath, writing for consciousness, writing my realizations, anyone can have, but not everyone knows why to desire this.       I was lucky enough to find, like a checkpoint for my mind, to understand what means being alive, not thinking alike, just to make every step with a most caring touch, not only to be happy when I reach the goal. To want to hit the top and stay there, only because of how it feels, pure intentions of curiosity in search of the deepest love in-universe, the realization that anyone can feel like a divinity, a fallen angel in a labyrinth with zombies, un carrying predators in form of people, and a few who try to give a better moment for themselves and maybe for world ...

paradox of earth and sky

Passion is the key, to unlock compassion and the will to believe, the motives to strive for everything, to be more present for yourself and everybody, and to be prezent on your path to understanding and unconditional love for life and for others. Present/prezent  English/Romanian word for the same thing. ;-) Flow with love and peace  And you can create, The abys of pleasure with clouds of joy.  Stand tall  with you barefoot touching mother,  But let your mind fly with father  Living your passion gets you to love and compassion Geniality and understanding Is the way with no end.  Meditate now and forever!


There is a time with no more times There is time, and there are times When you live in joy and pleasure Forgetting the pain and sorrow But sometimes is the opposite And in any given moment You can switch Easy or hard? Depends on your attachment For a one and only outcome Or for everything that has to come Anything that will make you  More of a human being Will flood your way You can cry, or stay contempt You can live or stay absent Stay alive, be permanent On your journey to ascend To higher levels With quality steps Stay alert, living in the moment. There is a time where you can attain Your present, that is not an object, Just change the way the subject see And anyone can just be.


Something new after you get used to the old Make your next hand, to let it fold Stay on hold Sometimes I wish some people changed Then I see, some people never want to be A man of value Everywhere, you can see the cripple show From all the people Selling time cheap, just for a wow Buying everything, forgetting That the goal is to grow Inside, as you want to feel outside. Giving themselves for the first show Just cheap and low Giving away the only thing they own.

! random

soft When people are shaped by the environment and fears, most of the time they are living partially, losing the uniqueness everyone received and having an extra feeling add-on in your mind that of being a failure, but only you can find the present, in your own main quest. It's important to have a deep connection with your mind by continuously clarifying your puzzle of thinking. Creating space with logic through your mind which can be dirty or clean, like it is with a full of dust laptop, processing harder any command, losing efficiency. Or a house/palace where are plenty of stuff, but not using any or only a few of the things, like with the thinking countability game. Mind trick. You can be lost in mind waves of thinking, but not for eternity. If you pass the confusion that there are too many thoughts and you realize and manage them in every moment they appear, you can use your mind to think better and clear. Like its ok to feel agitated and wandering through the world bu...

idei idei

Si cand ma uit in spate Nu mai vad nimic, Ma uit in fata Ma simt strivit Lovit de nefastul eveniment Nepregatit O secunda am gandit, In cealalta m-am intalnit Suferind Si e liniste si pace Chiar si-asa amagit.

Mi-ar placea, asta-i clar

As vrea, Sa-ti doresti totul Dar sa te multumesti cu putin Sa vrei sa continue totul la infinit Si totusi, sa fie de ajuns Doar un pic Deoarece sti, de divin, Si sti, si ca nimic nu e ieftin. Un moment, un clipit Un rasarit, alt apus Alt cuvant spus Un gand scos Din necunoscut, O dimineata in care nu mai esti grabit. Fiindca ai venit, la realizare O gura de aer proaspata Doar pentru ca e servita constient O cana de apa, din care bei In timp ce vezi incet cum se scurge Si nu gandurile, suroaie de pe burlanul casei tale Ci momentele plenare Care le lasi sa fie, sau nu, Depinde ce crezi si tu? Care uni le gasesc doar la munte Sau la mare In rest Peste tot gandurile le stau in cale Iar ei cred ca nu sunt in stare, Sa fie atenti Fiindca au fost impregnati Cu valoarea mica, usor sa fie cumparati, De viata separati Cu griji permanente Nesigurante continue si evidente Ocazii prea multe, sa vezi fiinte Super potente, impotente Si nu fizic, doar incapaci...

Geniality through perseverance

This is the beginning of one of my books, I want to make like a soft for consciousness living, to help people realize, they are lost in a counting game of time and money, not in a quality check of the intensity of the moments. Developing through perseverance and power of will, for me is the only way.  Thanks for your attention. Geniality through perseverance - using juggling     Realizing the inner peace by using both hands as one.          Unity, passion, and compassion.      Why juggling? For me, juggling and sports, in general, is helping a lot with the focus and awareness, help me to create more ''time'', by having the energy you can play, work or do whatever you want more optimistic and this is a very important aspect, for a happy and joyfully life.  I believe juggling and equilibrium exercises improves the mind and increase the strength we have in our cores, and managing to play with both...

tryhard: 33

When you stand Stay still In the middle of torments of life situations You can fill How ill, is normal to be What is life meant, to make you feel? Clouds blur vision One can reach the right reason Through the fog, far from hope You just go Trying to reach the top Climbing on the ladder Of growth Going farther, till the next hop Running through levels Without breaking any dot

I should expect more?

it's a new opening to the dungeon, that is hidden in your soul, where love and courage should give you all the power you need, but you need to be awake and to know it, to get over everything and hug all the situations with your blissfulness. When I ask my mother to tell me a question to put it in the introduction of my book, she got blocked, I was expecting anything, but a pause, it's cool, I will surprise her more from now on ;-) The meaning of this is to make you understand that even if you don't receive the help of any kind, you can break the chain of mediocrity through a passion for your mastery of wisdom, dexterity, power or anything, just be here, to play the game, and we will all win. P.s. Unrealistic expectations still hurt, so expect less, do more and keep up the good work, not only keep up or good work, both together.